Lee Bennett:
Students prepare to demonstrate their skills to family who've attended
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Reviewing some of the lessons they've learned
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The kids are next told to find their spots (literally, spots marked on the floor)
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Bowing to the audience
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Various moves are performed
Lee Bennett:
Video of Jarin executing front kicks for the instructors
Lee Bennett:
Executing various moves for the instructors
Lee Bennett:
Executing various moves for the instructors
Lee Bennett:
Executing various moves for the instructors
Lee Bennett:
Video of jumping jacks
Lee Bennett:
Executing various moves for the instructors
Lee Bennett:
Kick pad video
Lee Bennett:
Kick pad video
Lee Bennett:
Taking turns at the kick pad
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Defense/blocking positions while moving about the room
Lee Bennett:
Defense/blocking positions while moving about the room
Lee Bennett:
Courtesy to the partner
Lee Bennett:
Sparring with a partner
Lee Bennett:
Sparring with a partner
Lee Bennett:
Demonstrating kicks to the front, sides, and back
Lee Bennett:
Demonstrating kicks to the front, sides, and back
Lee Bennett:
Jarin is called out for his award
Lee Bennett:
Jarin receives his award
Lee Bennett:
Jarin receives his yellow belt
Lee Bennett:
Jarin receives his yellow belt
Lee Bennett:
Jarin receives his yellow belt
Lee Bennett:
A young black belt recommendee demonstrates his moves
Lee Bennett:
Video of young black belt recommendee
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Video of instructor performing his demonstration
Lee Bennett:
Instructor demonstration