Lee Bennett: Amura's Japanese Restaurant
Lee Bennett: Amura's Restaurant
Lee Bennett: Appetizer
Lee Bennett: Rosa opens birthday cards
Lee Bennett: Rosa opens birthday cards
Lee Bennett: Rosa thanks me for my card
Lee Bennett: Rosa opens birthday gifts
Lee Bennett: Rosa opens birthday gifts
Lee Bennett: Gifts from Amy
Lee Bennett: Gifts from amy
Lee Bennett: Amy's dinner
Lee Bennett: Someone else's dinner (Jeff and Damar?)
Lee Bennett: David and Rosa
Lee Bennett: Rosa's birthday cake
Lee Bennett: Rosa and her birthday cake
Lee Bennett: Rosa with her birthday cake and her date—tough choice
Lee Bennett: Amy and Damar laugh at silly text messages
Lee Bennett: Everyone
Lee Bennett: Jeff and a couple whose names I don't remember (sorry)
Lee Bennett: Rosa with a couple whose names I don't remember (sorry)
Lee Bennett: Darryl, Rosa, and Jeff
Lee Bennett: Amy, Rosa, Damar, and me
Lee Bennett: Amy being Amy with half of Damar
Lee Bennett: Amy still being Amy while Damar smiles anyway
Lee Bennett: Amy and Rosa outside the restaurant