sparrowood1: The Snow Goose, our transportation for most of the week
sparrowood1: Hog Island
sparrowood1: The dock and the Queen Mary house, where our room was
sparrowood1: Dining Hall: Scott Weidensaul gives the orientation
sparrowood1: Queen Mary house, room overlooking the dock and bay
sparrowood1: Fish House and gardens
sparrowood1: Osprey-cam set-up at the nest
sparrowood1: Tranquil cove
sparrowood1: Nature trail
sparrowood1: Settling pond is just over this dam
sparrowood1: Along the nature trail
sparrowood1: Along the nature trail
sparrowood1: Along the nature trail
sparrowood1: Mossy turtle!
sparrowood1: Inlet
sparrowood1: Indian Pipes in bloom
sparrowood1: Scott Weidensaul
sparrowood1: Some of the campers
sparrowood1: More of the campers
sparrowood1: Dinner outdoors the first evening
sparrowood1: 5:45 bird walk, Monday: bog with irises and pitcher plants
sparrowood1: Northern Parula feeding his babies
sparrowood1: Steve Kress showing us the chart aboard the Snow Goose
sparrowood1: Black Guillemot
sparrowood1: Harbor seals
sparrowood1: More seals
sparrowood1: And a baby
sparrowood1: Rachel on her nest. Steve brought her pretty things to decorate it with.