sparrowood1: Red Eft
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant leaves--the pitchers
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plant
sparrowood1: Jim Flynn
sparrowood1: Jamie Hill and Jerry McWilliams
sparrowood1: Harlequin Darner
sparrowood1: Jerry McWilliams holding Harlequin Darner
sparrowood1: Jim Flynn, a friend from years ago
sparrowood1: Taking a photo of the Harlequin Darner
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: Pitcher Plants
sparrowood1: IMG_5892
sparrowood1: Widow Skimmer
sparrowood1: Hell's Half Acre
sparrowood1: Buck Bean
sparrowood1: Eastern Forktail
sparrowood1: Calla Lily
sparrowood1: Calla Lily