sparrowood1: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
sparrowood1: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, pecking
sparrowood1: Heading into the Mountain Laurel area
sparrowood1: Full bloom
sparrowood1: Kalmia/Mtn. Laurel...Pa's state flower
sparrowood1: Dave and Kathy in the mountain laurels
sparrowood1: Two 'shrooms
sparrowood1: 'shroom
sparrowood1: Small waterfall
sparrowood1: Woodlands
sparrowood1: Heading into the valley
sparrowood1: Sparkling water
sparrowood1: The group up ahead
sparrowood1: Riffles
sparrowood1: The ladies plotting a course
sparrowood1: Pardon the duplicates....
sparrowood1: Mossy rocks
sparrowood1: One of numerous little waterfalls
sparrowood1: Wood Sorrel
sparrowood1: Whitewater?!
sparrowood1: June Greens and Browns
sparrowood1: Too pretty for words
sparrowood1: and more water!
sparrowood1: water...
sparrowood1: Water...
sparrowood1: Kathy in her favorite photo set
sparrowood1: Working on ID'ing this vine
sparrowood1: Listen and enjoy