leeabroad: Image
leeabroad: Handala
leeabroad: Kalandia - BIG wall
leeabroad: Watchtower up close
leeabroad: Art on Apartheid Wall
leeabroad: Kalandia - Banksy graf
leeabroad: Apartheid wall graf
leeabroad: Wall Graf
leeabroad: Kalandia - grafs
leeabroad: Arbitrary Closure & disruption of lives
leeabroad: Electronic Gate
leeabroad: Bilin 21/04/06 Girlsoldier
leeabroad: Bilin 28 04 06 Police with sticks
leeabroad: Bilin 28 04 06 Not a Friendly Face
leeabroad: Israeli activist confronts Israeli officers
leeabroad: Bilin 28 04 06 attack the fence
leeabroad: Palestine Flag Bil'in 21 04 06
leeabroad: Sound Bomb Bil'in 21 04 06
leeabroad: Protecting Abdullah Bil'in 21 04 06
leeabroad: Bil'in 14/04/06 Sit down protest
leeabroad: Tel Rumeida - wall and girls
leeabroad: Tel Rumeida - Gas the Arabs
leeabroad: bullet holes at the Al Jameen
leeabroad: AK47 - Balata Graffiti
leeabroad: Bulletholes
leeabroad: Kids by martyr pics
leeabroad: Posters commemorating Eyads life
leeabroad: Kid Fighter
leeabroad: For our land, for our future, for our children
leeabroad: Non violence vs the Gun