leeabroad: Palestinian Flag flies proudly
leeabroad: Settlement and Flag
leeabroad: Outpost and Flag
leeabroad: Bi'lin Outpost
leeabroad: Wajee's Son and the Flag
leeabroad: Illegal Israeli Settlement
leeabroad: Illegal Settlement
leeabroad: Carving up Bilins land
leeabroad: The apartheid fence cuts through Bi'lins land
leeabroad: Land seizure - see how it rips through the beautiful land
leeabroad: Asharraf
leeabroad: Ali, Asharraf (Durba) & Mohammed
leeabroad: Peace and Nargila
leeabroad: Ashraf pretends to be asleep
leeabroad: Village Kids
leeabroad: Bilin Kids
leeabroad: Bilin street
leeabroad: Abu Main
leeabroad: Nassir
leeabroad: smartest looking kid in the village
leeabroad: Bilin kids for peace and victory
leeabroad: Palestinian girl
leeabroad: PFLP Grafitti