Dawlish Warren and beyond: Blue-breasted Bee-eater
Dawlish Warren and beyond: White-browed Robin Chat
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Black-crowned Tchagra
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Black-shouldered Kite
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Long-crested Eagle
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Northern Carmine Bee-eater
Dawlish Warren and beyond: African Fish Eagle
Dawlish Warren and beyond: White-wingedTern
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Three-banded Plover
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Kittlitz's Plover
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Marsh Sandpipers
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Black-winged Stilt
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Pearl-spotted Owlet
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Isabelline Shrike
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Malachite Kingfisher
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Crowned Lapwing
Dawlish Warren and beyond: White-crested Helmetshrike
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Striped Kingfisher
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Lilac-breasted Roller
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Verreaux's Eagle Owl
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Eastern Black & White Colobus
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Bare-eyed Thrush
Dawlish Warren and beyond: Pearl-spotted Owlet