lee.ekstrom: Infielder checking the bag
lee.ekstrom: Pitcher extraordinaire
lee.ekstrom: Little out of reach?
lee.ekstrom: North Dakota Pictures1 050
lee.ekstrom: Coming right atcha
lee.ekstrom: Another fine catch
lee.ekstrom: Awesome grab
lee.ekstrom: Run, run run
lee.ekstrom: Smack!
lee.ekstrom: Looking for a gap
lee.ekstrom: Waiting on deck
lee.ekstrom: A lefty!
lee.ekstrom: Good grab!
lee.ekstrom: Cheering squad
lee.ekstrom: Caught - another out!
lee.ekstrom: I think I'll take it
lee.ekstrom: Swinging through the ball
lee.ekstrom: It's clobber time
lee.ekstrom: Working another hit
lee.ekstrom: Another run
lee.ekstrom: Contact
lee.ekstrom: Good swing
lee.ekstrom: I wouldn't want to be the ball
lee.ekstrom: Another run scored!
lee.ekstrom: Eye on the ball
lee.ekstrom: Looks like a strike
lee.ekstrom: Waiting for the right pitch
lee.ekstrom: Winding Up
lee.ekstrom: NOCC Softball