lee.ekstrom: Michigan International Camporee Sign
lee.ekstrom: 2004 Michigan International Camporee Opening Ceremony
lee.ekstrom: Isle of Man Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Mexican Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Mongolian Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Jordan21
lee.ekstrom: Ugandan Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Jamaican Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Guatemalan Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Egyptian Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Ireland Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Trinidad Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Hungarian Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Czech Republic Scouts
lee.ekstrom: Zimbabwe Scouts with Flag
lee.ekstrom: Kenyan Scouts present Flag
lee.ekstrom: US Flag Presentation
lee.ekstrom: Mexican Traditional Dance
lee.ekstrom: Mexican Traditional Dance
lee.ekstrom: Mexican Colorful Costumes
lee.ekstrom: Pow Wow Dance
lee.ekstrom: Pow Wow Native American Dance
lee.ekstrom: Curacao Dance
lee.ekstrom: Campfire Singing
lee.ekstrom: Locked together in Friendship
lee.ekstrom: Fireside Fellowship
lee.ekstrom: Steel Drums By Flashlight
lee.ekstrom: International Scout Fellowship
lee.ekstrom: Scouting Best Buddies
lee.ekstrom: Whittling with New Friend