Omar and Ledya:
Shot from the plane
Omar and Ledya:
Shot from the plane
Omar and Ledya:
View of Alcatraz Island
Omar and Ledya:
View of Alcatraz Island
Omar and Ledya:
Omar and Ledya:
Carlos, Me and Alcatraz at the back
Omar and Ledya:
Carlos, Me and Alcatraz at the back
Omar and Ledya:
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
Omar and Ledya:
Golden Gate Bridge
Omar and Ledya:
Golden Gate Bridge
Omar and Ledya:
Me driving :-)
Omar and Ledya:
Golden Gate Bridge
Omar and Ledya:
Golden Gate Bridge
Omar and Ledya:
More of the Golden Gate Bridge
Omar and Ledya:
Alcatraz Island
Omar and Ledya:
San Francisco, CA
Omar and Ledya:
San Francisco, CA