ledthread: daisy in scraps
ledthread: famous daisy
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: BFs forever
ledthread: Daisy at Devil's Tower
ledthread: first handmade parachute yoga class
ledthread: daisy and a lake somewhere in montana.
ledthread: parachute move in night--chanel and daisy
ledthread: daisy in matilda
ledthread: dog beach totem with daisy
ledthread: merry christmas/daisy w surfers
ledthread: hung over, as per usual
ledthread: hung over, as per usual
ledthread: house
ledthread: pier fish