Leda Carter: Deconstruction of color...
Leda Carter: Lonely Places #5- Naked Truth
Leda Carter: Lonely Places #2 - Freedom...
Leda Carter: Lonely Places #3 - Anticipation...
Leda Carter: Lonely Places - Reflection....
Leda Carter: Interview with Zib Scaggs!
Leda Carter: Quiet times...
Leda Carter: Baby it's cold outside...
Leda Carter: If you could read my mind...
Leda Carter: Let it snow....
Leda Carter: I am yours and you are mine....
Leda Carter: Going back to my roots...
Leda Carter: Living is no laughing matter...
Leda Carter: I love the broken ones...
Leda Carter: Waiting for the moon...
Leda Carter: Are you ready?
Leda Carter: Dancing in the dark...
Leda Carter: I know how to play you....(almost unedited)
Leda Carter: Echos of my mind...
Leda Carter: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun...
Leda Carter: Reach for the stars...
Leda Carter: Leda after the swan....
Leda Carter: Kicking in the glass ceiling....
Leda Carter: You can leave your hat on...
Leda Carter: Shadows...
Leda Carter: Leda's Rambling: Trees are made of me...
Leda Carter: Heavenly blueness...
Leda Carter: Dangerous curves ahead....
Leda Carter: You move among many dancers...
Leda Carter: Up all night to get lucky...