lectio: Heading up Sulphur mountain.
lectio: Banff Park Museum.
lectio: Sanson's office.
lectio: Banff Park Museum.
lectio: Books in the Moore house.
lectio: Moore house.
lectio: Curtain in the Moore house.
lectio: Whyte house.
lectio: Whyte house.
lectio: Whyte house.
lectio: Whyte house.
lectio: Finished novel. First draft.
lectio: Ping pong!
lectio: more ping pong
lectio: Ping pong madness
lectio: Playing ping pong.
lectio: Saturday morning.
lectio: Saturday morning.
lectio: Saturday morning.
lectio: Saturday morning.
lectio: Post-finishing. Me in front of the studio.
lectio: Baby Banff comes to visit.
lectio: The novel is finished.
lectio: Hello, deer.
lectio: Rundle.
lectio: Trees-y.
lectio: Rundle.
lectio: More Banff.
lectio: Cascade.
lectio: Deer.