lectio: Me!
lectio: Me!
lectio: Long view down the valley.
lectio: The ranch.
lectio: Snow on the mountains.
lectio: Chilly in the mountains.
lectio: On Gus.
lectio: Riding Gus.
lectio: Early September on the Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Out on Gus.
lectio: Peace.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Riding Gus.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Fish Creek.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.
lectio: Making coffee.
lectio: Fish Creek
lectio: Gus.
lectio: Me!
lectio: Storm clouds rolling in.
lectio: Homeplace Ranch.