lectio: The view from my room.
lectio: My room.
lectio: Out for a walk.
lectio: Out for a walk.
lectio: Out for a walk.
lectio: Almost time for breakfast.
lectio: Lodge House kitchen.
lectio: Getting ready to go out in the morning.
lectio: Back pasture.
lectio: The view down by the Lodge House.
lectio: Getting ready to go out in the morning.
lectio: The feed shed.
lectio: More shots from atop Gus.
lectio: More shots from atop Gus.
lectio: Big sky.
lectio: Mountains in the distance.
lectio: Heather from Vancouver.
lectio: Heather from Vancouver.
lectio: My room.
lectio: Me on gus.
lectio: Me on Gus.
lectio: Blazing hot.
lectio: Spring.
lectio: Me and Gus.
lectio: Out in the meadow.
lectio: Where we stopped for lunch.
lectio: Where we stopped for lunch.
lectio: Where we stopped for lunch.
lectio: Where we stopped for lunch.
lectio: Where we stopped for lunch.