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Buenos Aires by Lauren B
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Lauren B
Book jacket contender, but not winner
Lauren B
insert academic chortle here
Lauren B
"no, i have not recently used heavy sedatives"
Lauren B
The handsome winner: coming to a Barnes & Noble near you
Lauren B
Academic self-satisfaction
Lauren B
Would have been a contender, did he not look like he just had 11th period gym class
Lauren B
Plaza de Mayo
Lauren B
Plaza de Mayo
Lauren B
Church of ?
Lauren B
Old Pharmacia
Lauren B
Artwork for sale across from church
Lauren B
Artwork for sale across from church
Lauren B
Lauren B
Lauren B
Columbus looks out to the port
Lauren B
Statue for Columbus, with Casa Rosada in background
Lauren B
Casa Rosada
Lauren B
Casa Rosada
Lauren B
Some Mexican named Arturo
Lauren B
Lowrise jeans: a world-wide scourge
Lauren B
Mothers of the Revolution symbol
Lauren B
Someone needed to tell this boy pigeons are flying rats
Lauren B
Avenida de Mayo
Lauren B
Choose your own cause
Lauren B
Much less attractive in person, and totally closed off
Lauren B
Dude was singing for the passers-by
Lauren B
BA Capitol
Lauren B
BA Capitol
Lauren B
Still not sure what this was for...
Lauren B
This was a hotel, near the Capitol
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