leathellin: Lyme Regis
leathellin: The Guildhall
leathellin: IMG_4390
leathellin: Memorial anchor
leathellin: Beach!
leathellin: Balancing stones
leathellin: Mine!
leathellin: Harbour from the Cobb
leathellin: Cobb construction
leathellin: Cobb steps
leathellin: IMG_4420
leathellin: Mind your head
leathellin: Fossil lighting
leathellin: Lounging
leathellin: Alexandra Hotel
leathellin: Hotel cat
leathellin: T'was a very calm evening
leathellin: No really
leathellin: IMG_4446
leathellin: IMG_4451
leathellin: End of safety
leathellin: IMG_4470
leathellin: Calm now but...
leathellin: Hix Oyster and Fish house
leathellin: Blue and orange
leathellin: Orange
leathellin: Back to that hotel