Lea LSF: Iglesita
Lea LSF: The Marriage of Throes
Lea LSF: Purple Starfish, I Didn't Know
Lea LSF: Desert Flakes
Lea LSF: Danila Lives a California Winter
Lea LSF: Flight and Rubies
Lea LSF: The Chorus Girls
Lea LSF: Psychadelatron
Lea LSF: Tent in Early Spring
Lea LSF: Vicugna, a wild lama at 4800 meters
Lea LSF: Chaz !x!hg@!!!
Lea LSF: Fall, from the roof
Lea LSF: Goose Neck Barnacles
Lea LSF: On Her Way
Lea LSF: Me and a Burro, my favorite burro
Lea LSF: Sheep HIll
Lea LSF: Here on Earth
Lea LSF: Boiling Cauldrons of Comfort Drinks
Lea LSF: On the Rio Dulce, There She Was
Lea LSF: Cliff Rumi-Wilco
Lea LSF: Having had just dropped dead, I still had time to take this photo
Lea LSF: Smiling Babas and/or Bulgarian Muslim Farmers
Lea LSF: Julio Diaz for Elected Official #2346
Lea LSF: Danila and the Room
Lea LSF: Farming at 10,000 feet +
Lea LSF: Bloodroot
Lea LSF: Lily in the Winter Palace (aka the Dacha Projects' Strawbale Cottage)
Lea LSF: One for the Wax Museum
Lea LSF: IMG_3962
Lea LSF: styro heart