leahrose33: Dinner on a random Sunday night
leahrose33: Dinner on a random Sunday night
leahrose33: Birthday breakfast 3 ways
leahrose33: Birthday dinner from the Zingerman's Deli
leahrose33: Homemade sushi
leahrose33: Supposedly had raisins, but it was lying. Still good though.
leahrose33: This bread was huge.
leahrose33: Don Pepe
leahrose33: Don Pepe
leahrose33: This was soooo good.
leahrose33: El Farolito
leahrose33: Dinner for Phil & Rachel's farewell
leahrose33: Holy Crap! I Cooked!
leahrose33: Steak and potatoes with mojo and greens
leahrose33: Leopold Bros.
leahrose33: Pan Dulce compliments of Victor.