LeahPellegrini: boyz in the car on the way to the arcade
LeahPellegrini: riding in the car with cars
LeahPellegrini: putting nickles in the machine
LeahPellegrini: putting nickles in the machines
LeahPellegrini: playing with ballz
LeahPellegrini: Micah's favorite game the downhill bikes
LeahPellegrini: and more car games
LeahPellegrini: more car games
LeahPellegrini: Micah driving a mac truck
LeahPellegrini: playing car games
LeahPellegrini: bag full of tickets
LeahPellegrini: superman outfit
LeahPellegrini: wunderland
LeahPellegrini: superman running around the arcade with tickets
LeahPellegrini: shopping for prizes
LeahPellegrini: superman cape flappin in the wind
LeahPellegrini: Lucca and the cows
LeahPellegrini: Lucca and the cow