lmvazquez1: Caleb got his birthday box from his mom!
lmvazquez1: Toby naps with his guitar
lmvazquez1: Victor the cat sleeping and almost falling off of the stool.
lmvazquez1: Sleeping kitties. Victor, Felix and Allegra
lmvazquez1: Caleb and Victor watch the Daily Show
lmvazquez1: We found the cutest little kitten at an antique store nearby.
lmvazquez1: Caleb buys a Gollywog for his mother.
lmvazquez1: Gabe and Toby try to build a fire.
lmvazquez1: Toby hoping it's working.
lmvazquez1: Gabe resorting to the torch. Their fire still went out though and Caleb had to save the day.
lmvazquez1: Sunday on the lettuce farm
lmvazquez1: Felix climbs!
lmvazquez1: Felix being majestic.
lmvazquez1: Emelia, Cara and I hitch to Magic Sands
lmvazquez1: Magic Sands Beach