leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: pieces of swoon
leafy: Work in Progress - Swoon, 6th & Talbot, Braddock, PA
leafy: Work in Progress - Swoon, 6th & Talbot, Braddock, PA
leafy: Work in Progress - Swoon, 6th & Talbot, Braddock, PA
leafy: work in progress - Swoon
leafy: work in progress - Swoon
leafy: work in progress - swoon (I believe this is the First Presbyterian Church on Jones & Hawkins St. in Braddock)