leafy: 10 27 06z
leafy: 10 27 06y
leafy: joey says he's busy, dammit
leafy: 2 thumbs up for steve-oh
leafy: joey, keep looking up!
leafy: posers
leafy: btezra caught flashin'!
leafy: craig's hair lines
leafy: kim & hubby ray
leafy: don & sharon
leafy: dean
leafy: kevin & dean
leafy: steve-oh-reenoh!
leafy: tumblers
leafy: bobby & dean
leafy: rob & don
leafy: paige
leafy: Bob
leafy: the crowd
leafy: hey em!
leafy: ken & jen & kevin & karen's hair
leafy: sharon, dahlink!
leafy: who's got the coolest tats?
leafy: craig workin' it
leafy: the roof of bobby's mouth
leafy: how does thing work?