leafy: Image121e
leafy: 01 30 05t
leafy: reflection illusion
leafy: 3 13 05x
leafy: action - nuthatch
leafy: star magnolia
leafy: 10% full
leafy: Afternoon at the Cemetery
leafy: flickr bath
leafy: wild rabbit
leafy: forest fog
leafy: old chair
leafy: dragonfly
leafy: stream restoration - nine mile run
leafy: that's MISTER toad, to you ...
leafy: same bee as b4
leafy: frog
leafy: kitchen moth
leafy: millipede
leafy: bubble
leafy: butterfly - Limenitis arthemis astyanax
leafy: on my morning walk
leafy: "Bard" Owl #3
leafy: wild grapes - Porcelain-berry
leafy: seeds at the pond
leafy: frog at the pond
leafy: seed
leafy: neon 2
leafy: mayfly / damsel fly
leafy: snake without forked tongue