Matthew Saindon: He refused to surrender his youth. This made him ill suited for a life among vultures.
Matthew Saindon: He often found solace in his ability to become invisble.
Matthew Saindon: In spite of the fact he was a relic he managed to thrive in a world that outgrew him.
Matthew Saindon: He failed to realise how much pain his vanity would cause him.
Matthew Saindon: He often had trouble making a decision on which way to go.
Matthew Saindon: He was slow to notice the fact that his identity was fading.
Matthew Saindon: His free will had been supressed in accordance with another mans conscience.
Matthew Saindon: His guilt was eased by the blood of the innocent.
Matthew Saindon: His work ethic put him at a disadvantage in this age of turnover
Matthew Saindon: With his head in the clouds he was often ispired by lofty aspirations.
Matthew Saindon: When he watched others, he imagined a life, where he had made different choices.
Matthew Saindon: He laid in wait for hours; poised and ready to pounce on his unsuspecting prey.
Matthew Saindon: His truth was broadcast in spite of the fact that no one was listening.
Matthew Saindon: He felt it was ok, so long as he destroyed himself.
Matthew Saindon: The moment he arrived he was searching for a way out.