Akansha M: Love for Sale...?
Akansha M: priceless expression !!
Akansha M: :) Guru
Akansha M: Compassion !!
Akansha M: too engrossed with his phone ..
Akansha M: astonished....those eyes have so much to say..
Akansha M: Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another...i know how to dance wid <3 do you??
Akansha M: Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire...
Akansha M: Taarein Zameen par !!
Akansha M: subhah ki shuruwat !!
Akansha M: Journey of life
Akansha M: Chadhi mujhe yaari teri aisi jaise daaru desi :D :D
Akansha M: A mature soul filled with scars of life experiences.
Akansha M: old man
Akansha M: IMG_4486 copy
Akansha M: it took him 5 long years for him to get the dreadlocks ..