Drofmit: A disc plough [IMGP2901]
Drofmit: The Tool Box [IMGP2898]
Drofmit: The French Society [IMGP2899]
Drofmit: La Société Française [IMGP2908]
Drofmit: Baton de commande [IMGP2987]
Drofmit: Percherons pulling a McCormick Reaper - Barrou 2013
Drofmit: Percherons pulling a McCormick Reaper circa 1950
Drofmit: Steam threshing demonstration - Barrou 2013
Drofmit: Steam threshing circa 1950
Drofmit: Bouchon sur l'A10
Drofmit: Scooter and MGA
Drofmit: DS and matching caravan
Drofmit: Cidre et Renault... et chien!!
Drofmit: The Last Waltz of Summer