Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1419]
Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1417]
Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1418]
Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1414]
Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1412]
Drofmit: La Grande Lessive [IMGP1411]
Drofmit: Alfresco [IGP8480]
Drofmit: Alfresco 2 [IGP8484]
Drofmit: A new constellation [IGP8463]
Drofmit: Four Mortars [IGP8466]
Drofmit: Firey tree [IGP8471]
Drofmit: Lanterns 1 [IGP8461]
Drofmit: Lanterns 2 [IGP8462]
Drofmit: Tourist Office - Le Grand Pressigny [PK70098]
Drofmit: Tourist Office - Le Grand Pressigny [PK70088]
Drofmit: Rue du Four Banal - Le Grand Pressigny [PK70097]
Drofmit: Rue du Four Banal - Le Grand Pressigny [PK70090]
Drofmit: Fowler steam-roller [IMGP4993]
Drofmit: Fowler Fiddler and Zetor 11 [IMGP5194]
Drofmit: Fiddler - detail [IMGP5040]
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - View from Chateau 2
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - View from Chateau
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - the Mairie
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - the Tabac and Prehisto and Jean Bart Bars
Drofmit: Grand Ma's Bistro - Grand Pressigny IMGP2749
Drofmit: Etableau Village
Drofmit: Etableau chateau tower
Drofmit: Wier & water [1IMGP3483]
Drofmit: Wier & water [IMGP3484]
Drofmit: Wier & water [IMGP3485]