Drofmit: An accident with the wine - Descartes IMGP2517
Drofmit: Descartes frog IMGP2518
Drofmit: Descartes frog IMGP2519
Drofmit: Descartes Frog IMGP2520
Drofmit: Stonechat [male] IMGP2135
Drofmit: Bleu Fourragere
Drofmit: Grand Ma's Bistro - Grand Pressigny IMGP2749
Drofmit: La Forge bridge IMGP2257
Drofmit: La Forge IMGP2142
Drofmit: Mist over the etang IMGP2103
Drofmit: Winter light IMGP1445
Drofmit: Willow and Le Pressoir - Winter 2006 [IMGP1623]
Drofmit: Willow and le Pressoir - Summer 2006 [IMGP2071]
Drofmit: Apple stall
Drofmit: Chaumassay IMGP2251
Drofmit: Mule ploughing IMGP4921
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - the Tabac and Prehisto and Jean Bart Bars
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - the Mairie
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - View from Chateau
Drofmit: Le Grand Pressigny - View from Chateau 2
Drofmit: La Forge - Gytha under the lime tree
Drofmit: La Forge - Our bridge and the maples
Drofmit: La Forge - Our willows 2003
Drofmit: La Forge - The Laiterie
Drofmit: La Forge - the lime early morning
Drofmit: Broad-bodied Chaser - IMGP2178
Drofmit: Mantis - IMGP1194
Drofmit: Mantis Egg Case - IMGP1204
Drofmit: Solitary Potter Wasp - DSCF0347
Drofmit: Stick Insect - IMGP1172