Drofmit: Broad Bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
Drofmit: Broad-bodied Chaser [female] - Libellula depressa
Drofmit: Blue Hawker Dragonfly [collage]
Drofmit: Common Blue Damselfly [female]
Drofmit: Common Blue Damselfly [male]
Drofmit: Common Blue Damselfly
Drofmit: Broad Bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
Drofmit: Large Red Damselflys - Phyrrosoma nymphula
Drofmit: White-legged Damselfly - Platycnemis pennipes lactea
Drofmit: Black-tailed Skimmer Dragonfly IMGP2157
Drofmit: Blue Hawker Dragonfly [female] IMGP2447
Drofmit: Broad-bodied Chaser - IMGP2178
Drofmit: Black-tailed Skimmer [IGP6541]
Drofmit: Broad-bodied Chaser [IGP6543]
Drofmit: Broad Scarlet [IGP6569]
Drofmit: Norfolk Hawker [IGP6570]
Drofmit: Banded Demoiselle damselfly [IMGP1885]
Drofmit: Darter Dragonfly [PK76938]
Drofmit: Whoa! Rotational error, rotational error!!
Drofmit: Darter Dragonfly [PK76940]
Drofmit: Mature Emperor
Drofmit: Beatiful Demoiselle [PK70279]
Drofmit: Beatiful Demoiselle
Drofmit: Spare pair of wings
Drofmit: Blue watcher
Drofmit: The Sentinels
Drofmit: Balancing act...
Drofmit: Waiting....
Drofmit: Large Red Damselfly