Ldom17: Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order)
Ldom17: Peter Hook, Manchester '09
Ldom17: Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), London '09
Ldom17: Joey Maramba (Ninja Academy, Ricky Lee Jones), L.A. '10
Ldom17: David J (Bauhaus, Love & Rockets), L.A. '10
Ldom17: Mike Watt, San Pedro '10
Ldom17: Nathan East, L.A. '10
Ldom17: Nathan East, Paris '10
Ldom17: A classic Iggy pose
Ldom17: Mike Watt with the Stooges in Bourges '10
Ldom17: Steve Davis (Archive), Bourges '10
Ldom17: Smiley looks at Steve, Malestroit '10
Ldom17: Steve Davis with Archive at Malestroit '10
Ldom17: Archive, Malestroit '10
Ldom17: Nathan on stage with Elvis in Paris
Ldom17: Archive says bye
Ldom17: Steve in the dark
Ldom17: Iggy's hair, Bourges '10