ld_germain: Vineyard
ld_germain: JUH-60
ld_germain: Wind tunnel
ld_germain: Google entrance
ld_germain: Google cafeteria
ld_germain: Amit and Germ in San Francisco!
ld_germain: waiting for a flight
ld_germain: helo with guns 5
ld_germain: helo with guns 4
ld_germain: helo with guns 3
ld_germain: helo with guns 2
ld_germain: helo with guns 1
ld_germain: Amit lost in the Arizona!
ld_germain: group picture at cactus
ld_germain: flowered cactus
ld_germain: cell phone in desert
ld_germain: big cactus
ld_germain: group #2
ld_germain: MD helo
ld_germain: Amit and cactus
ld_germain: cactus
ld_germain: group picture
ld_germain: Japanese restaurant