lcy: (Old) Modern Photo Studio [click for more photos]
lcy: 古早味燉蛋 the elusive creme caramel custard!
lcy: ever wondered what's inside a western bar... [click for more photos]
lcy: The Sinhalese Bar (estd. 1931) [click for more photos]
lcy: Rattan Weaver
lcy: Rattan Weaver
lcy: 振雄棧炭店 Chun Hong Chan Charcoal Shop [click for more photos]
lcy: Old Indian tailor
lcy: traditional signboard engraver 木制牌匾雕刻師
lcy: traditional signboard engraver 木制牌匾雕刻師
lcy: watch repair man
lcy: 一個人的火車小旅行 / a solitary railway journey
lcy: 一個人的火車小旅行 / a solitary railway journey
lcy: 二奶巷 Second Concubine Lane [Click for more photos]
lcy: Majestic Hotel (closed down in Mar 2011)
lcy: 一個人的火車小旅行 / a solitary railway journey
lcy: tinsmith [Click for more photos]
lcy: Lion head maker [Click for more photos]