Christine's Backyard:
It's bath time!
Christine's Backyard:
I've lost my mum!
Christine's Backyard:
Learning to be a real Magpie
Christine's Backyard:
Is this side my best view ... ?
Christine's Backyard:
... or this side?
Christine's Backyard:
A visit from the King ...
Christine's Backyard:
... to our garden
Christine's Backyard:
The Royal family ...
Christine's Backyard:
The Royal family ... with a Chough
Christine's Backyard:
All things bright ....
Christine's Backyard:
White-winged Choughs with nest
Christine's Backyard:
First day out of the nest
Christine's Backyard:
Baby Chough being fed
Christine's Backyard:
Baby Chough close-up
Christine's Backyard:
Orphaned Grebes (1/4)
Christine's Backyard:
Australasian Grebes (2/4)
Christine's Backyard:
Baby Grebes (3/4)
Christine's Backyard:
Tiny Grebe (4/4)
Christine's Backyard:
Eastern Brown Snake with Choughs
Christine's Backyard:
Australian Grey Teal
Christine's Backyard:
Grey Teal Preening
Christine's Backyard:
Grey Teal looking for food
Christine's Backyard:
Grey Teal swimming
Christine's Backyard:
Laughing Kookaburra, Australia
Christine's Backyard:
Famous Aussie Bird
Christine's Backyard:
Choughs sunbaking
Christine's Backyard:
White-winged Chough Juvenile
Christine's Backyard:
Choughs family group
Christine's Backyard:
Blue-tongue lizard and Magpie
Christine's Backyard:
Crested Pigeon