lccavender: lesley with unidentified carcass - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: sunning elephant seals - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: hey sun - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: scot with fence - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: vista - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: moo - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: misty morning 2 - St. Helena, CA
lccavender: rose garden - Berkeley
lccavender: misty morning - St. Helena, CA
lccavender: blue skies - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: a new day - Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
lccavender: we made it . . . finally! - somewhere between Sacramento and Napa
lccavender: hog wash - Viansa Winery, Sonoma, CA
lccavender: long shadows - Point Reyes National Seashore
lccavender: here we are - Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
lccavender: amy atop Mount St. Helena - Calistoga, CA a
lccavender: scot gets a kiss too - side of the road Sonoma County
lccavender: lcc + sl hike Mount St. Helena - Calistoga, CA
lccavender: lazy afternoon - Bylund House, St. Helena, CA
lccavender: vines - Jack London State Park, Sonoma County
lccavender: we made it - Mount St. Helena, Calistoga, CA
lccavender: scot's sauna - Bylund House, St. Helena, CA
lccavender: me and the boys - side of the road Sonoma County
lccavender: our own rock statue
lccavender: rock maze
lccavender: max the dog - Bylund House, St. Helena, CA