LC501: X48 leading through Cockle Creek
LC501: Grain train at Cockle Creek
LC501: V29 at Cockle Creek
LC501: V67, Cockle Creek
LC501: Wararah A5
LC501: Waratah A5
LC501: GM22 and GM27 banking the SSR Coal
LC501: Double GM's banking
LC501: SSR Coal at Booragul
LC501: SSR liveried C Class
LC501: SSR Coal at Booragul
LC501: More Victorian Friends
LC501: Sydney Bound Explorer at Booragul
LC501: Sydney Bound Explorer
LC501: Sydney Bound XPT
LC501: Approaching Singleton
LC501: Approaching Singleton
LC501: Glennies Creek Passing
LC501: Two Victorian Friends
LC501: 8217 at Glennies Creek
LC501: NR54 and NR53 at Craven
LC501: NR121 at Craven
LC501: 8214 leading a Southern Coal
LC501: BL26 and 48121 at Stratford
LC501: Back on the main
LC501: Across a bridge near Stratford
LC501: Craven the Cement
LC501: Near Wards River
LC501: BL26 and 48121 near Wards River
LC501: PN Intermodal at Stroud Road