Laurie-B: Gave a Little Shiver...
Laurie-B: Laughing Gull -- Original Image
Laurie-B: Black Crowned Night Heron
Laurie-B: Wally Gator Napping
Laurie-B: The Attacker
Laurie-B: (5) Turkey Vulture
Laurie-B: Duck Vader
Laurie-B: Piliated Woodpecker Mated Pair
Laurie-B: Juvenile Hummer
Laurie-B: Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)
Laurie-B: WHAT! Vulture Profile 2
Laurie-B: That's Got To Hurt!
Laurie-B: The Takeoff
Laurie-B: Osprey Chick in Wind
Laurie-B: Terns and Gulls
Laurie-B: Osprey Chicks
Laurie-B: Daddy Blue
Laurie-B: Merlin's Stretch
Laurie-B: The Perfect Couple -- Ring-necked Ducks
Laurie-B: Red Knots Feeding
Laurie-B: And Of Course...
Laurie-B: American Coot
Laurie-B: Hungry, Hungry, Hungry!
Laurie-B: Brown Pelican
Laurie-B: Red-throated Loon