LBena: Mallard in the reeds
LBena: Seagull silhouette
LBena: Seagull hovering
LBena: Seagull Landing
LBena: California Gull
LBena: Burrowing Owl
LBena: Burrowing Owl
LBena: Black-Crowned Night Heron
LBena: Night Heron
LBena: Gull over the Bay
LBena: American Coot
LBena: Bufflehead
LBena: Birds form a line in the water
LBena: Common Goldeneye
LBena: Pigeon
LBena: Greater Scaup
LBena: Soaring Gull
LBena: Bufflehead
LBena: Seagull Landing
LBena: Bottoms Up
LBena: Great Blue Heron
LBena: Lesser Scaup
LBena: Young Gull
LBena: Marbled Godwits
LBena: Killdeer
LBena: Least Sandpiper
LBena: Black-Necked Stilt
LBena: American Avocet
LBena: Marbled Godwit
LBena: Marbled Godwit