lb's photopix:
retro diner
lb's photopix:
sunset, Goldwater Lake
lb's photopix:
first time to get decent shots of cardinals! :)
lb's photopix:
Watson Lake
lb's photopix:
lb's photopix:
Palm Beach Zoo - Kids Playing in Fountain
lb's photopix:
a little hike in the Village of Sedona
lb's photopix:
pretty pink pair
lb's photopix:
cactus wren
lb's photopix:
Prescott Dogtober Fest
lb's photopix:
white pelican, splash-bathing
lb's photopix:
let me sing you a love song
lb's photopix:
setting sun at Goldwater Lake
lb's photopix:
Watson Lake
lb's photopix:
butterfly at Butterfly World
lb's photopix:
male cardinal
lb's photopix:
woman and dog, Pathfinder
lb's photopix:
lb's photopix:
beautiful sunset at Goldwater Lake
lb's photopix:
Muskogee fisherkids
lb's photopix:
Black Hawk Trail - Page Springs
lb's photopix:
another beautiful sunset
lb's photopix:
window at Prescott's Sharlot Hall, in b&w
lb's photopix:
Watson Lake in the early-morning light
lb's photopix:
Butterfly World - Flowers
lb's photopix:
bi-weekly gathering of the Coots-Only club
lb's photopix:
a little grebe and a turtle
lb's photopix:
double-crested cormorant (I think)
lb's photopix:
lovely Watson Lake