Lbc42: At around the age of 2, washers start to become aware of their sexuality
Lbc42: Too much exercise can make your washer sweaty, out if breath, and confused
Lbc42: It likes to fold towels to some Bon Jovi
Lbc42: My washer gets high on helium
Lbc42: My washer gets high on helium
Lbc42: Bad washers must stand in the corner and think about what they have done
Lbc42: Sometimes, even the washer has some issues pooing. Dulcolax stool softener should clear that right up
Lbc42: Bad acid trip washer, dropped some liquid LSD and flashed back to the 70's
Lbc42: Pervy flasher washer. If he could, he'd wear a trenchcoat
Lbc42: Nono! Don't come in here! I've had some bad fish and been in here all night with food poisoning!
Lbc42: My washer likes to get high a lot
Lbc42: My washer is like me: it does not like to do push-ups
Lbc42: This is what your washer looks like when it is solving complex math equations
Lbc42: This is what your washer looks like when it is totally freaked out