lindsaywardphotography: 385866-R1-E008
lindsaywardphotography: 385866-R1-E009
lindsaywardphotography: 385866-R1-E010
lindsaywardphotography: 385866-R1-E011
lindsaywardphotography: Fun Willy Wonka Glasses
lindsaywardphotography: Instant and 30 min Rice
lindsaywardphotography: Shopping carts rock
lindsaywardphotography: Me and BVH being super awesome
lindsaywardphotography: Party at Evans' place
lindsaywardphotography: Me and Dian nerding it up
lindsaywardphotography: See, this is why Amy is one of the coolest people i know, ha!
lindsaywardphotography: I think i am tier 4 or 5, nice!
lindsaywardphotography: MergeCamping11
lindsaywardphotography: Kevin and Angela's Tent after we collapsed it on them, haha
lindsaywardphotography: Travis poking Kevin and Angela with a stick to wake them up
lindsaywardphotography: Attack of the Travis
lindsaywardphotography: Me and Cyd eating breakfast
lindsaywardphotography: Travis and Danny (the gamers)