lbaixinho: Early prototypes and first doctor minifigure
lbaixinho: Early prototypes and first police minifigure
lbaixinho: Early prototypes and first space minifigure
lbaixinho: Early prototypes, first and more recent minifigure doctors
lbaixinho: Early prototypes, first and more recent minifigure firefighters
lbaixinho: Early prototypes, first and more recent police minifigures
lbaixinho: Early prototypes, first and more recent space minifigures
lbaixinho: LEGO building figure from 1974, stage extra from 1975 and minifigure from 1978 (2)
lbaixinho: LEGO building figure from 1974, stage extra from 1975 and minifigure from 1978
lbaixinho: Minifigure prototypes from min. 1975-1978 - with dates
lbaixinho: Minifigure prototypes from min. 1975-1978 (2)
lbaixinho: Minifigure prototypes from min. 1975-1978
lbaixinho: Some of the first LEGO minifigures launched in 1978
lbaixinho: Some of the first minifigures launched in 1978 with transportation