lazybeagle: you didnt bring any cookies?
lazybeagle: i see water
lazybeagle: feed me
lazybeagle: i can fly! i can fly!
lazybeagle: goober check
lazybeagle: let me SLEEP!
lazybeagle: dog days of summer
lazybeagle: her majesty in her playground
lazybeagle: cold wet nose
lazybeagle: you want to feed me more
lazybeagle: No more snacks out of the garbage today!
lazybeagle: someone say cookie?
lazybeagle: dashing through the snow
lazybeagle: Y A W N
lazybeagle: the dog version of mr ed
lazybeagle: ha ha real funny
lazybeagle: the sun god
lazybeagle: beagle vs fly
lazybeagle: the gardener
lazybeagle: pack of vicious beagles
lazybeagle: chasing cars
lazybeagle: squirrel hunt
lazybeagle: this car is FUN!
lazybeagle: my tired buddy
lazybeagle: CORN!!!
lazybeagle: HERE SHE COMES
lazybeagle: too tired to care im being humiliated
lazybeagle: another ride with my buddy