LazyAza: Diesel - truck mode
LazyAza: Diesel - truck side
LazyAza: Diesel- truck rear
LazyAza: Diesel - mini truck
LazyAza: Diesel and Shadow Commander
LazyAza: Diesel and Shadow front
LazyAza: Diesel and Shadow side
LazyAza: The Stunticons
LazyAza: Diesel -front side and back
LazyAza: Diesel - ready pose
LazyAza: Diesel - shotguns
LazyAza: Diesel - big rifle
LazyAza: Diesel - face closeup
LazyAza: Diesel - rifle point
LazyAza: Diesel- rifle stand
LazyAza: Diesel - rifle walk
LazyAza: Diesel - ankle test
LazyAza: Diesel - fully armored
LazyAza: Diesel and Fortis
LazyAza: Deisel and MP Prime
LazyAza: Diesel and Springer
LazyAza: Diesel and Warpath
LazyAza: Diesel and Warden
LazyAza: Diesel
LazyAza: Blades
LazyAza: Diesel
LazyAza: Diesel
LazyAza: Diesel
LazyAza: Diesel
LazyAza: Diesel