LazyAza: Fortis bot mode
LazyAza: Fortis guns
LazyAza: Fortis - Rhino mode
LazyAza: Fortis rhino head
LazyAza: Fortis and Rhinox
LazyAza: Fortis leg mode
LazyAza: Rex's Shins n Feet
LazyAza: Bovis and Fortis bot mode
LazyAza: Bovis and Fortis alt mode
LazyAza: Fortis neck extend
LazyAza: Bovis and Fortis cannons
LazyAza: Bovis and Fortis being bullies
LazyAza: Fortis hand gun
LazyAza: Fortis robo race
LazyAza: Fortis knives
LazyAza: Fortis stuff
LazyAza: Fortis size compare
LazyAza: Fortis lotsa guns