Suri JV (on and off):
A fawn in the Gir Forest(Gujarat, India)
Suri JV (on and off):
Green Sandpiper (Tringa ochropus)
Suri JV (on and off):
The Great Egret also gets an itch
Suri JV (on and off):
Nilgai (a young one)
Suri JV (on and off):
A lioness after lunch
Suri JV (on and off):
Suri JV (on and off):
The Lion from the Wizard of Oz.
Suri JV (on and off):
Kanha, some place inside.
Suri JV (on and off):
A visitor Swami Narayan Mandir (Temple) in Ahmedabad
Suri JV (on and off):
A pensive lion.
Suri JV (on and off):
Yellow wattled Lapwing (Gir Forest)