The Picture Ninja:
Obama Rally
The Picture Ninja:
Obama Rally
The Picture Ninja:
Obama Rally
The Picture Ninja:
The Activist Kids
The Picture Ninja:
Glenn Nye
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 018
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 016
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 017
The Picture Ninja:
Hollis & Obama
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 012
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 011
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 010
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 009
The Picture Ninja:
Virginia Beach rally
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 008
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 007
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 006
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 005
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 004
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 003
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 002
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 001
The Picture Ninja:
Former Gov. Mark Warner (& soon to be Senator)
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 021
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 022
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 023
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 024
The Picture Ninja:
Obama rally 025