lawsonpix: Patient & Kind
lawsonpix: True beauty happens but for a brief moment.
lawsonpix: A touch of elegance
lawsonpix: Sigma135mm f/1.8 Art lens
lawsonpix: Magic Shadows
lawsonpix: Something Special
lawsonpix: Reality is not neat, obvious, or what you expect.
lawsonpix: Nikon 135 f/2.0 DC Lens
lawsonpix: Patient
lawsonpix: When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.
lawsonpix: Happyness is the prize that true freedom brings.
lawsonpix: Enchanted
lawsonpix: Til your good is better and your better is best.
lawsonpix: No one can smile on the outside without first smilling on the inside.
lawsonpix: Life is fleeting. Pause and enjoy.
lawsonpix: Kimball. Perfect in beauty, God shines forth.
lawsonpix: The body hears everything the mind says.
lawsonpix: We've got to get back to the garden
lawsonpix: Looking for the same thing.
lawsonpix: At Peace
lawsonpix: There is great wisdom in forgiveness.
lawsonpix: The true value of beauty is its temporary state.
lawsonpix: Rare is the union of beauty and purity.
lawsonpix: I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
lawsonpix: Often Caught Singing
lawsonpix: The unrealized ideas we all poses
lawsonpix: Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.
lawsonpix: Peace begins with a smile.
lawsonpix: True strength is measured in humility
lawsonpix: A successful portrait needs talent in two places; behind, and in front of the camera. But mostly in front.