Andrew Culture: 1st scan of a 120 film run through my Kodak Brownie Cresta
Andrew Culture: 2nd scan from the Brownie Cresta
Andrew Culture: First few seeds in our new greenhouse
Andrew Culture: Emma in the greenhouse
Andrew Culture: Brantham Sluice
Andrew Culture: This is why you shouldn't squeze a roll of 120!
Andrew Culture: My foggy patio
Andrew Culture: Fogged film/ my lungs
Andrew Culture: Felaw Maltings and the Steamboat in Ipswich, accidently
Andrew Culture: The view atop my patio table
Andrew Culture: Old Stoke Church, Ipswich
Andrew Culture: Millie having a sunbathe
Andrew Culture: Why is it keeping ones eyes open for photos is such a mystery to mums?
Andrew Culture: Skibbs, as seen from my vantage point on the crapper
Andrew Culture: Cefer on a shed roof